nlF Roping Trick Demo Gallery
Roping is an art and you can achieve tremendous tricks with the rope.
I have made some GIF animations big size of the best tricks I can do. You'll be able to discover what dragon, skidow, warlock, backwash, inlaw, pump, kick, mexi, extended mexi, reverse inlaw, outlaw and combinations of tricks together as well look like. Just select a trick name in the dropdown menus on the right-hand column.
These animations have been made using the excellent video export feature from WA. If you have some cool replays and want to have your animation on nlF, let me know in the shoutbox.
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When FireLord is on fire (huh?) he can do amazing stuff. Here is the Triple Dragon! We all knew this trick before, but have you ever tried to do it? Go practice! ;) (35 comments)
Vibroball is a shortcut for "Vibrated Cannonball". Too sad gifs don't have sound, because the most exciting part of this trick is how it Sounds! ;D (16 comments)
Plunger is a sweet way to start any other trick! Just make sure you gained enough speed, what's not that easy though :P (10 comments)
I did this trick many time ago, but couldn't find a proper name for it. Also I don't want to invent any special names for Dreamer and Overdrive ended with Pinball. Some of you should remember the "I'll Be Back" trick (also mentioned in Kevin's original Drive-In), so there is a speedy variation of it followed by Pinball. Enjoy! (43 comments)
An additional pinball done after some trick always brings some charm to it. But starting a trick with a pinball is even more attractive! This trick can be done in many ways and can be a part of another trick, therefore I'm waiting new variations from you, fellas! (15 comments)
Continuing the series of tricks starting with a Cannonball, I introduce you a Cannonball to Nova version. This trick requires a pretty specific map and also pretty good skills at Cannonballs of course ;) Enjoy! (8 comments)
Russia is on fire! I know everyone loves Cannonball to Drive-Out made by StatiK long time ago, so you'll love this trick too. It looks almost the same, but is pretty much harder, so don't even try to do it without vodka! ;D (30 comments)
If you think all possible tricks are already done, you are definitely wrong! Here is another trick starting with Cannonball, but today it ends with Arch, and additional Pinball move makes it even more sexy! (74 comments)
And now - the king of leaps! Powerful inlaw start gives you enough speed to achieve this trick. But can you handle so powerful extended leap-in now? (44 comments)
Now it's VooDoo's time to contribute to our tricks' section! Don't be afraid of the trick's title, because actually it is easier to achieve than Extended Leap of Faith due to the fact that you got much more powa for the first leap. (23 comments)
After we have Extended Leap-In, we can't forget about it's reverse version. Big rope races are perfect maps for these tricks, because you can do more than 2 leaps, and it looks really crazy. Hope you'll like it! (13 comments)
And of course we can't miss Extended Leap-In started with Inlaw. This Carnivor's wxw is probably the only good map where you can achieve this trick. So I hope to see more maps soon where we can do all of these sexy extended leaps! (7 comments)